
Senin, 26 Maret 2012

Rock atau rok ?

Adalah acara yang relatif baru di KompasTV bernama "Kelakar" dengan host Insan Nur Akbar dan co host Wisben. Kedua-duanya adalah comic finalis kompetisi Standup Comedy. Jadi sesuai dengan hostnya yang komedian, maka acaranya juga banyak mengundang tawa.

Pada suatu episode, temanya adalah "Rock". Bintang tamunya  Candil, Krisyanto dan Lenny Agustin. Bintang tamu yang pertama muncul adalah Candil. Vokalis grup Seurieus.  Suaranya melengking tinggi seperti  suara falseto.  Sehingga dengan mudah dia sendiri memlesetkan suaranya jadi suara banci sambil bergaya banci. Tahukah anda nama aslinya ? Dian Dipa Candra. Nama yang terdiri dari 3 kata dan semuanya menurut Candil sendiri adalah nama-nama wanita. Dian, Dipa dan Candra.

Berbeda dengan Krisyanto yang suaranya berat khas trash metal. Atau dengan bintang tamu ketiga yaitu Lenny Agustin yang ternyata adalah disainer rok, bukan rocker. Ternyata bintang tamu yang ketiga plesetan, walaupun Lenny Agustin sendiri mengakui juga suka musik rock. Lenny sempat ditanyai bagaimana pendapatnya dengan musik rock yang durasinya panjang sampai 10 menit. Tapi jawabannya nggak nyambung, Lenny menjawab kalau dia senang dengan rok yang panjangnya antara 35 cm sampai 70 cm.

Namanya juga comedian, maka wawancara dan perbincangannya juga penuh humor. Hostnya juga sempat bilang  "Lak-laki yang suka rock adalah laki-laki yang sejati, beda dengan laki-laki yang suka pakai rok". :)

Minggu, 25 Maret 2012

Adikku sudah bisa berdiri

Ini adalah kisah tentang aku dan adikku. Usia kami tidak jauh berbeda. Tapi herannya ketika aku sudah lama bersekolah, adikku baru bisa mulai berdiri. Berdirinya juga mendadak, tau-tau bisa berdiri tegak dan kokoh.

Semenjak itu dia  sering tegang tanpa sebab. Kalau sudah tegang, dia susah dilunakkan. Mungkin keras kepala.

Herannya lagi, peristiwa adikku bisa berdiri tegak  ini membuat kedua orang tuaku jadi bingung. Sampai ayah membawa adikku ke dokter, gara-gara bisa mendadak berdiri tegak  tanpa sebab yang jelas. Adikku si buyung memang spesial.

Sesudah konsultasi ke dokter, adikku juga tidak diberi obat apa-apa. Hanya ditanya kenapa bisa mendadak jadi tegang. Apakah memikirkan sesuatu. Adikku pun menjawab dengan malu-malu kalau ia tidak memikirkan apa-apa. Dan keadaan ini terus berlangsung sampai beberapa lama. Kedua orang tua kami kelihatannya jadi kuatir. Bahkan mencoba memberi ramuan tradisional berupa terong sebagai lauk makan. Hasilnya keadaan tetap tidak berubah.

Tapi seiring dengan waktu keadaan yang aneh inipun berlalu.  Kedua orang tami kami jadi lega. Adikku kelihatannya  sudah jadi normal.

Rabu, 21 Maret 2012

Since I was a kid, I was a shy boy until became a teenager. Maybe until now I am still a shy girl and I am a closed person.

When I was in elementary school, there was a custom where the teachers arranged the seats of their pupils. And when it done, it applied in a year. Thus the pupils can not sit wherever they like. And one thing that is funny, a male pupil always gets a female pupil as his sit mate at the same table. I don't know the reason why the teachers applied this custom. Maybe by this way a male pupil can not make or reduces the possibility to make a fuss and noise during  the class because his sit mate is a female pupil.

I still remember when in certain years  I was seated with a beautiful female pupil. It happened to me at least twice or two year. By that time I already could judge whether if a girl is beautiful or not. But it  can be said that I always or almost silent, never talk to my sit mate or begin to open a conversation. My female sit mate was always the one who started talking to me.

There was an event that made me shy. My female teacher made a joke of me by matching me with a beautiful female pupil who was my sit mate. She said it in front of my late parents and my older sister at my home when she visited us.

Not only in school I was shy, but at home as well. When the relatives of my mother came to visit my family at home, I usually hid in my bedroom and pretended to sleep. Sometimes the relatives of my mother entered my bed room and teased me. Sometimes they teased me until I cried. And when they went, sometimes my late mother said to me "Shy boy !". But however she was a wise mother to me, she never called me sissy. But the other way around, she always encouraged me so I didn't do this again when my relatives came to my home.

When I became a teenager, my school friends at junior high school began to know love. Maybe puppy love. A male pupil began to make a close relation with a female pupil. And they were ridiculed by the other. And I never have a courage to approach a female friend, but only ridiculed by the other by matching me with a female school friend. By that time I still felt embarrassed, but I also felt happy if they matched me incidentally with a girl who I like. That time, a female friend of my older sister even teased me though she was joking, but I couldn't give her a respond.

It continued until I was in senior high school. My female teacher also made a joke of me by matching me with a beautiful female pupil. Even my male teacher tried to match me with a beautiful female pupil as well. Maybe they knew that I was too shy.

At last when I was in college, I tried to make a close relationship with my female college friend. But when I was trying hard to work it out, she dropped out from the college. Pity me.

Senin, 19 Maret 2012

Made in Thailand

"Made in Thailand", our land,
we've kept it since the ancient times, there's been many good things.
Since the eras of Sukhothai, to Lopburi, Ayuthaya, Thonburi,
through to modern day Bangkok.
The city where people fall down the open drains (don't blame them for it).
"Made in Thailand", made in our own land,
the land of the meaningful songs and dances.
Foreigners secretly are admirers of Thai products, but Thais don't see their worth.
Scared of being looked down upon, that liking Thai products isn't fashionable.
If it's "Made in Thailand", who's going to give the guarantee for them?
(I think someone should accept responsibilty for this.)
"Made in Thailand", and all it's admirers understand.
That these are products produced by Thais, made by Thais.
the shirts, trousers, and jeans,
are sent abroad on planes, and then imported back.
It's the Thais who gain face (but it's the foreigners who get the money.)
"Made in Thailand", and when put up in the shops.
They put the "Made in Japan" labels upon them.
Then they sell well, sell for high prices
and the wearers then brag they've got imported clothes,
the latest fashions, from the magazines.
It wasn't the foreginers who cheated us.
But it was us who cheated ourselves...oh....

It cannot be denied that Thailand is a beautiful and exotic country in Asia. A country that called as land of white elephants and often visited by many tourists. Their tourism can be said very successful. Popular with their floating markets and  some superior commodities. Bangkok guava, Thai papaya, Thai durians, Bangkok chicken, Thai silk. Talk about the dish, who doesn't know about tom yam ? Not only food,  animals and the others, but human too. Who doesn't know about ladyboy ?

About this ladyboy, there's even an old saying says if you see a beautiful Thai lady, she is surely a ladyboy. Is it a  kidding ? Once I ever left a comment on a posting about Thai ladyboy and asked if that saying was just a kidding. Then I got a reply that said it was not kidding. I don't know who's kidding who. But if I see the Thai ladyboys on the internet, I don't doubt that they are beautiful as women. Maybe they who were  exposed are they who are beautiful.

When I was still active in a forum, many of my friends said that they want to do sex surgery in Thailand. Off course, many of them don't mean it seriously. But I can see that it was so popular among us. Beside that, Thailand is almost like paradise to ladyboy, tranvestite and transgender. Many of my crossdresser friends often said they wanna live there, because the situation is more condusive than in their country for people like them.

Maybe I should plan to move and live in there too. Beginning a new chapter of my new life as ladyboy. Retire from my normal life. and close my straight life.

Just kidding, don't take it too seriously ! :)

Rabu, 14 Maret 2012

7 female to male transgender

7 successful female to male transgender according to On The Spot Trans7 :
1. Loren Cameron : photographer & writer, USA

2. Lucas Silveira : musician, Canada

3. Ryan Sallans : advocate, USA

4. Balian Bushcaum : athlete, Germany

5. Katasthrope : musician, USA

6. Buck Angel : advocate, USA

7. Andreas Krieger : athlete, Germany

Selasa, 13 Maret 2012


Batik adalah salah satu dari warisan leluhur kita. Bukan hanya di pulau Jawa saja ada batik, tapi ada juga batik yang berasal dari luar Jawa. Batik telah mendapat pengakuan Badan PBB yang mengurusi soal pendidikan dan kebudayaan (UNESCO) sebagai  warisan budaya Indonesia, sehingga bisa membantah klaim Malaysia atas batik.

Pada mulanya dahulu, batik hanya digunakan sebatas lingkungan keraton. Dan digunakan terutama sebagai kain panjang atau kemben. Tapi kemudian berkembang dan digunakan juga oleh rakyat kebanyakan.

Pada jaman pemerintahan mendiang presiden Soeharto dahulu, mendiang ibu Tien terkenal sebagai salah satu tokoh yang selalu berusaha mempopulerkan dan memasyarakatkan kain batik dengan memakai busana kain kebaya baik pada acara formal maupun informal.

Pemakaian batik akhir-akhir ini juga semakin digalakkan di kantor-kantor swasta dan instansi pemerintah dengan mewajibkan karyawan-karyawannya untuk memakai batik pada hari tertentu. Bahkan di Lingkungan Balaikota Pemkot Surakarta, rencananya PNS diwajibkan memakai busana tradisional berupa beskap atau kebaya dengan kain batik sebagai bawahannya mulai tanggal 23 Februari tahun ini.

Batik pada masa sekarang ini sudah diaplikasikan tidak hanya untuk bawahan berupa kain wiron saja sebagai pasangan dari kebaya. Tapi sudah meluas pemakaiannya menjadi rok, baju, celana panjang, taplak meja, sarung bantal, sprei dan lain sebagainya.

Di pulau Jawa sendiri terdapat beberapa jenis batik yang menunjukkan asalnya. Dilihat dari warna dan motifnya jika kita memang sudah familiar dengan batik, maka kita akan mengetahui berasal dari mana batik tersebut.
1. Batik Solo : berwarna dasar sogan atau kecoklatan, disebut juga batik pedalaman.
2. Batik Yogya : berwarna dasar putih, disebut juga batik pedalaman.
3. Batik Pekalongan : berwarna mencolok seperti merah, hijau, biru. Disebut juga batik pesisiran.
4. Batik Laeem : berciri khas warna merah yang berbeda dari batik lainnya. Disebut juga batik pesisiran.

Selain itu masih ada juga batik-batik yang lain seperti batik Cirebon, Banyumas dan Madura serta masih banyak lagi untuk disebutkan satu persatu.

Sesuai dengan kemajuan jaman, penggunaan komputer pada batik sekarang ini melahirkan apa yang dinamakan sebagai batik fraktal komputer.

Jumat, 09 Maret 2012

The love of a woman


Sorry if I am late to say "Happy women's day" to all of you women.

I like to tell you about a sermon that I've already heard it twice about the love of a woman.

Once upon a time, a mother told her girl to clean up the floor. But the child was relaxed lounging, so she didn't  want to do it. And she wrote  a list of jobs  with its prices. Clean the floor ....  999999. Dishes washing ..... 888888. Ironing .......777777 and so on. After she finished writing, she gave it to her mother.

Her mother read it, then she wrote a list of jobs  with its prices as well. Pregnant for 9 months ... 999999. Breastfeeding ..... 888888. Changing your diaper ........ 77777. Feeding ....... 66666.

I think I don't have to tell you the rest of the story. I think you already know, right ? Maybe it's even too stereotype. But from that story, we can know how deep is the love of a woman. In this case, the love of a mother to her child.

Bahasa Indonesia

Maaf jika saya terlambat untuk mengucapkan "Selamat hari perempuan" kepada anda semua yang wanita.

Saya ingin bercerita tentang kotbah yang sudah pernah saya dengar dua kali tentang cinta seorang wanita.

Suatu ketika, seorang ibu menyuruh anak gadisnya untuk membersihkan lantai. Tapi karena anak itu sedang duduk-duduk santai,  maka dia tidak mau melakukannya. Dan dia menulis daftar pekerjaan dengan tarifnya.  Bersihkan lantai .... 999999.  Mencuci piring .....888888. Menyetrika ....... 777777 dan sebagainya.  Setelah ia selesai menulis,  dia memberikannya kepada ibunya.

Ibunya membacanya, kemudian dia menulis daftar pekerjaan dengan tarifnya juga. Hamil selama 9 bulan ... 999999. Menyusui ..... 888888. Mengganti popok  ........77777. Memberi makan ....... 66666.

Saya rasa saya tidak perlu memberitahu anda kelanjutan ceritanya. Saya pikir Anda sudah tahu, betul ?  Mungkin bahkan terlalu stereotip. Tapi dari cerita itu, kita dapat mengetahui seberapa dalam  cinta seorang wanita. Dalam hal ini, cinta seorang ibu kepada anaknya.

Selasa, 06 Maret 2012

Junior Rorimpandey

This article is written in 2 languages : English and Indonesian. Artikel ini ditulis dalam 2 bahasa : Inggris dan Bahasa Indonesia.


After for a long time, I didn't see him on tv. Recently I saw him on tv. First in "Just Alvin" on Metrotv, then in "Hitam putih" on Trans7. His face looks very different. He has moustache and beard and looks very macho. The last time when he was still a jury in a cook competition "Master Chef Indonesia", his face looked very clean. He had no moustache and beard.

When he appeared on "Hitam Putih", he was interviewed by the host, Dedy Corbusier. Here is the summary.

He was from a broken family. He ever used drugs. Even almost died because of it. Several times he entered a rehabilitation center, but he escaped from there. He also almost died because of persecution. But finally, he succeeded to recover from the drugs by locking himself in his room for eight days.

When he was asked how he could recover from drugs by locking himself in a room for eight days, he answered "Strong will" But then the host added his answer with this word "It was God's miracle"

After that he left for America. Learned to be a pilot. Unfortunately, when he just got two certificates. Before he got the third certificate that permitted him to be a commercial pilot, his money ran out.

During his study to become a pilot, he also worked part time as a restaurant servant. He worked dilligently, By that time, a sushi guy in the restaurant where he worked often didn't go to work. So he took his place temporarily. Until the sushi guy who he replaced finally got out of the restaurant, he took his place permanently as sushi guy. And from there he started to become famous as a cook or a chef.

When I was discussing about this with my female coworker, she said "How can he do it ? Changing job from a pilot to a chef. Pilot is a world that familiar with male and cooking is a world that familiar with female". In my opinion, she was not exactly right. Yes, most of the pilots are male, but many of famous chefs are male as well in my observation. Though there are also many female chefs who are famous.

About sushi, there is a very unique fact. In sushi restaurant, male gender  is an unwritten requisite to be a sushi master. It is said that body temperature of a male is lower than a female. So a male surely sweat less than a female. Maybe the logic is because one of the sushi main ingredient is rice which needs to be processed directly by hand.

So let me ask you once again like in my older posting "Is cooking a crossworking or men emancipation or cooking doesn't see gender ?"

Bahasa Indonesia

Setelah untuk waktu yang lama, saya tidak melihatnya di tv. Akhir-akhir ini saya melihatnya di tv. Pertama di "Just Alvin"  MetroTV, kemudian di "Hitam putih" Trans7. Wajahnya terlihat sangat berbeda. Dia berkumis dan jenggot dan terlihat sangat macho.Terakhir kali ketika ia masih menjadi juri dalam kompetisi masak "Master Chef Indonesia", wajahnya tampak sangat bersih. Tidak memiliki kumis dan jenggot.

Ketika ia muncul di "Hitam Putih", ia diwawancarai oleh host, Dedy Corbusier. Berikut adalah ringkasannya.

Ia berasal dari keluarga yang berantakan. Dia pernah menggunakan narkoba. Bahkan hampir mati karena itu. Beberapa kali ia masuk pusat rehabilitasi, tapi dia melarikan diri dari sana. Dia juga pernah hampir meninggal karena penganiayaan. Tapi akhirnya, ia berhasil pulih dari narkoba dengan mengunci diri di kamarnya selama delapan hari.

Ketika ia ditanya bagaimana ia bisa pulih dari obat dengan cara mengunci dirinya di kamar selama delapan hari, ia menjawab "Keinginan yang kuat" Tapi host acara ini menambah jawabannya dengan kata "Ini adalah keajaiban Tuhan"

Setelah itu ia berangkat ke Amerika. Belajar untuk menjadi pilot. Sayangnya, ketika ia baru saja mendapat dua sertifikat. Sebelum ia mendapat sertifikat ketiga yang mengizinkannya untuk menjadi pilot komersial, uangnya habis.

Selama belajar menjadi pilot, ia juga bekerja paruh waktu sebagai pelayan restoran.Dia bekerja dengan rajin, Pada saat itu, seorang sushi guy di restoran tempat ia bekerja sering tidak masuk kerja. Jadi ia menggantikannya untuk sementara. Sampai sushi guy yang dia gantikan  akhirnya keluar dari restoran itu, ia menggantikannya secara permanen sebagai sushi guy. Dan dari sana ia mulai menjadi terkenal sebagai juru masak atau koki.

Ketika saya mendiskusikan hal ini dengan rekan kerja wanita saya, dia berkata "Bagaimana dia bisa melakukannya? Berganti pekerjaan dari pilot menjadi koki. Pilot dunia yang akrab dengan laki-laki dan memasak adalah dunia yang akrab dengan perempuan". Menurut pendapat saya, dia kurang tepat. Ya, sebagian besar pilot adalah pria, tapi banyak dari koki terkenal adalah laki-laki juga dalam pengamatan saya. Meskipun ada banyak juga koki wanita yang terkenal.

Tentang sushi, ada fakta yang sangat unik. Di restoran sushi, jenis kelamin laki-laki adalah syarat tidak tertulis untuk menjadi master sushi. Dikatakan bahwa suhu tubuh dari laki-laki lebih rendah dari perempuan. Jadi laki-laki pasti berkeringat lebih sedikit dari perempuan. Mungkin logikanya adalah karena salah satu bahan utama sushi adalah beras yang perlu diproses langsung dengan tangan.

Jadi biarkan saya bertanya sekali lagi seperti di posting lama saya "Apakah memasak adalah crossworking atau emansipasi pria atau memasak tidak memandang gender ?"

Senin, 05 Maret 2012

Try Me

Today I hear a very astonishing news from my friend. She says that a holy matrimony can be cancelled after the wedding happened. Just because the male was impotent. A marriage that was passed and blessed in the church.

As far as I know in a church, a bride and a groom must follow the course of marriage as a prerequisite for marriage in a church. After that a  marriage must be announced three times in three weeks just to make sure that there is no obstacle. There is even an appeal if a person is aware of any obstacles supposed to notify the local priest. And my assumption, there is no divorce in a holy matrimony. Just like the promise of marriage, among others, states that " ... to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death us do part".

In reality, today I hear the different version of it. The bride wants to divorce because the groom was impotent. And the church passed her request. She got a letter that explains she can marry again and her former husband got a letter forbidding him to marry again.

Sabtu, 03 Maret 2012


This article is  written in 2 languages : English and Indonesian. Artikel ini ditulis dalam 2 bahasa : Inggris dan Bahasa Indonesia.


When I play a video of AC/DC titled "Highway To Hell", my female coworker who sits next to me said "AC/DC ?, sissy !". For you who are not from Indonesia maybe don't understand the relationship between AC/DC and sissy. In Indonesia, AC/DC can mean sissy as well.

It began with a late Indonesian male comedian who always acted as a female. His stage name was Kardjo ACDC. He was so popular from 1970s until 1980s. The logic why he added ACDC to his name, because like an electronic appliance which can be used with electric ( AC / Alternating Current ) or battery ( DC / Direct Current ). So does he, he also can be used as a man or a  woman. He can played with a man or a woman.

I  think he was the pioneer of  Indonesian male comedian who played as woman. After him, there are several Indonesian male comedians who played as women. Tesy Srimulat, Susi Naryo, Ester. Then come the newer generation, a comedian who also a presenter like Olga Syahputra.

Beside that, in Indonesia especially in East Java there's a traditional art namely "ludruk". It's almost like a comedy  teatre but all the players are male. So if the story needs a female character, a male player acts as a female character. Not only that, usually they have a specialization. A player with feminim face usually always plays as a female.

I am curious, wonder and want to know what would  my female coworker  say if she looked at this video of "Sweet Funny Adams" titled "AC/DC". :)


Ketika saya memutar video dari AC / DC yang berjudul "Highway To Hell", rekan kerja wanita saya yang duduk di sebelah saya mengatakan "AC / DC ?, banci !". Untuk anda yang tidak dari Indonesia mungkin tidak memahami hubungan antara AC / DC dan banci. Di Indonesia, AC / DC dapat berarti banci juga.

Ini dimulai dengan  komedian Indonesia  pria yang sudah meninggal yang selalu bertindak sebagai perempuan. Nama panggungnya adalah Kardjo ACDC. Dia begitu populer dari 1970-an sampai 1980-an. Logika mengapa ia menambahkan ACDC pada namanya, karena seperti alat elektronik yang dapat digunakan dengan listrik (AC / Alternating Current) atau baterai (DC / Direct Current). Jadi demikian juga dia bisa digunakan sebagai pria atau wanita. Dia bisa bermain dengan pria atau wanita.

Saya pikir dia adalah pelopor komedian pria Indonesia yang bermain sebagai perempuan. Setelah dia, ada beberapa komedian pria Indonesia yang bermain sebagai perempuan. Tesy Srimulat, Susi Naryo, Ester. Kemudian datang generasi lebih baru, seorang komedian yang juga presenter seperti Olga Syahputra.

Selain itu, di Indonesia khususnya di Jawa Timur ada seni tradisional yaitu "ludruk". Ini hampir seperti sebuah teatre komedi tapi semua pemainnya adalah pria. Jadi jika ceritanya membutuhkan karakter perempuan, maka pemain laki-laki bertindak sebagai karakter perempuan. Tidak hanya itu, biasanya mereka memiliki spesialisasi. Seorang pemain dengan wajah feminim biasanya selalu bermain sebagai perempuan.

Saya penasaran apa yang akan rekan kerja wanita saya katakan jika dia melihat video dari "Sweet Funny Adams" ini yang berjudul "AC/DC". :)

Kamis, 01 Maret 2012

7 pria tercantik ( most beautiful male )

7 pria tercantik tanpa operasi plastik versi On The Spot Trans7 ( 7 most beautiful male without plastic surgery according to On The Spot Trans7 ) :
1. Nong Poy - Thailand

2. Kiyoshi Sakurazuka - China

3. Hero Jaejoong-  Korea

4. Kayo Satoh - Japan

5. Darell Ferhostan - Indonesia

6. Michalina Manios - Poland

7. Andrej Pejic - Serbia

Apa pendapat anda ? Siapakah favorit anda ?  Beri tahu  saya. What are your thoughts? Who is your favorite? Let me know