
Jumat, 29 Juni 2012

Haryo Pramoe

Bahasa Indonesia

Cooking ternyata bisa dibagi menjadi  dua :
  1. Hot kitchen :  mengolah daging, ikan, sayuran dan sejenisnya.
  2. Pastry : mengolah kue, cake dan sejenisnya.
Menurut penjelasan Chef HaryoPremoe, chef yang kerja di hot kitchen akan berbau tidak enak seperti bau daging, bau ikan, bau bawang dan kata-katanya cenderung kasar.

Sementara chef yang kerja di pastry akan berbau wangi seperti bau coklat, bau bunga dan sejenisnya. Kata-katanya juga cenderung lembut. Demikian juga dengan gerak-geriknya . Karena sebenarnya jiwanya separoh wanita dan separoh lelaki.

Tapi apa yang diutarakan diatas tidak bisa dijamin 100 persen kebenarannya, karena diutarakan dalam acara comedy Ala Ryan di Kompastv. Jadi mohon jangan ditelan bulat-bulat.


Cooking can be divided into two:
  1. Hot kitchen:  processing meat, fish, vegetables and the like.
  2. Pastry: processing cakes , cake and the like.
According to Chef HaryoPremoe, chefs who work in the hot kitchen will smell bad like the smell of meat, fish smell, the smell of onions and their words tend to be rough.

While chefs who work in the pastry will smell fragrant like the smell of chocolate, the smell of flowers and the like. His words also tend to be soft. So it is with his movements. Because the soul is actually half women and half men.

But what is expressed above can not be guaranteed to be 100 percent correct, because it stated in the comedy show Ala Ryan in Kompastv. So please do not swallowed it raw.

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