
Minggu, 31 Maret 2013

Silver Boys

Silver Boys adalah group tari semacam kabaret yang didirikan oleh Tata Dado yang baru saja meninggal. Sesuai dengan namanya, maka semua anggotanya adalah laki-laki yang selalu berdandan dan menari serta bertingkah laku sebagai wanita ketika tampil di panggung. Mereka menganggap diri mereka mereka sendiri sebagai drag queen.

Maka tidak heran jika hal ini mengundang kontroversi pro dan kontra. Selain itu ada pemikiran dari orang awam, apakah mereka itu tidak akan keterusan menerapkan apa yang mereka lakukan di panggung dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Berlenggang lenggok, berdandan dan berkata-kata seperti seorang wanita. Dan jika mereka adalah lelaki yang normal, apakah mereka tidak akan kesulitan dalam mencari pacar ?

Semua hal diatas dijawab langsung oleh para anggota dalam acara Hitam Putih. Ternyata mereka masih terlihat seperti lelaki normal begitu tidak berdandan seperti diatas panggung. Demikian juga dengan lenggang lenggok dan ucapan mereka. Cuma kebetulan para anggota Silver Boys masih belum mempunyai gandengan semua.

Episode Hitam Putih kali ini memang merupakan tribute untuk Tata Dado.  Ternyata masih ada satu cita-cita dari almarhum Tata Dado yang belum kesampaian yaitu ingin mendirikan panggung di Batam seperti panggung kabaret yang megah di Thailand. Semoga dengan berjalannya waktu, apa yang dicita-citakan almarhum bisa terwujud.


Silver Boys is a kind of cabaret dance group founded by Tata Dado who had just died. As the name implies, all the members are men who always dress up and dance as well as act as a woman when they appeared on stage. They consider themselves as drag queen.

So do not be surprised if it invites controversy pros and cons. In addition there is the thought of ordinary people, whether they would not be continuity to apply what they are doing on stage in everyday life. Wiggle catwalk, dress and speak like a lady. And if they are normal men, whether they will have no trouble in finding a girlfriend ?

All of the above answered directly by the members in the event of  Hitam Putih. Apparently they still look like a normal guy when they do not dress up like the stage. Likewise, sway and swing and also their speech. Just coincidentally all of  the members of the Silver Boys do not have girlfriends.

This episode of Hitam Putih is indeed a tribute to Tata Dado. It turns out there is one of the ideals of the late Tata Dado that has not accomplished that is want to build a stage in Batam like a magnificent  cabaret stage in Thailand. Hopefully, over time, what is aspired deceased can be realized.

Minggu, 24 Maret 2013

Anne Advantie

Kemarin Anne Advantie muncul di Hitam Putih Trans7 sebagai bintang tamu. Tentu saja hampir semua orang mengenalnya. Khususnya para wanita yamg selalu uptodate dalam mengikuti mode.

Ia seperti yang kita ketahui bersama adalah perancang busana khususnya busana wanita. Kemarin ia sempat mengklarifikasi mengenai satu  hal yaitu bahwa rancangannya yang oleh umum dianggap sebagai kebaya. Ternyata ia tidak mengiyakan kalau itu adalah kebaya, tapi juga tidak menolak kalau rancangannya oleh umum dianggap sebagai kebaya. Cuma ia berkata bahwa sebetulnya ia tidak merancang kebaya, tapi jadinya seperti itu. Memang sebagian rancangannya menurut pandangan saya sangat jauh dari bentuk kebaya, tapi sebagian yang lain masih kelihatan seperti kebaya.

Ternyata pendidikannya hanya sampai SMP saja dan tidak ada latar belakang pendidikan perancang busana serta takut untuk bepergian dengan pesawat terbang. Tapi hebatnya lagi  ia mempunyai jiwa sosial. Pernah suatu ketika busana rancangannya dibeli oleh seorang ibu dengan CD lagu rohani sabagai pembayarannya. Selain itu ia juga mempunyai sebuah yayasan sosial yang bernama Yayasan Wisma Kasih Bunda yang berlokasi di Semarang. Yayasan ini membantu pasien dengan penyakit tertentu seperti hidrocephalus.

Tapi selain itu ia juga memberikan suatu statement yang cukup mengejutkan. Yaitu bahwa ia adalah ibu dari para waria dan para waria itu sangat berpengaruh besar dalam model pakaian dan rancangan busananya serta ia juga mempunyai kelompok persekutuan doa yang anggotanya terdiri dari para waria. Bahkan mungkin untuk bukti, di acara tersebut ditampilkan peragaan busana rancangannya dengan model para waria. Memang para waria itu tidak kalah dengan model-model yang asli wanita.

Untuk semakin  melengkapi acara ini, ada juga bintang tamu transgender Miss Waria Hukum dan HAM Lucky Dyah Pitaloka dan ketua Forum Komunikasi Waria Indonesia Yulianus Rettoblaut.

Mudah-mudahan dengan tayangan ini semakin menyadarkan masyarakat bahwa waria itu tidak sejelek yang mereka kira dan dengan demikian para waria bisa semakin diterima di masyarakat.

NB : Untuk mami Yuli, semoga berkenan dengan artikel ini dan tidak tersinggung atau marah. Salam !

Selasa, 12 Maret 2013

Mr Bean’s first crossdressing out

Mr Bean is a television film series that is very popular. Especially to the people who likes comedy. The actor's name is Rowan Atkinson. He also played in cinema movies .

But do you know that he once tried to do crossdressing in his television film series ? In the video above you can see he tried to do crossdressing in a laundry by wearing a maxi skirt.

Actually he did it  incidentally. He  took the wrong piece after he put of his own pants, because he took it without seeing it. Unfortunately, a man was there  near him. So he tried to walk with legs so close to each other. With  purpose to camouflage that he wore a maxi skirt instead of wearing  a pant.

Unfortunately again, the man who near him suspected him, because of the movement that Mr Bean did is  strange. So after Mr Bean sat, the man revealed the bottom ending of maxi skirt that Mr Bean wore. Alas ! And the man smiled and blinked one of his eyes to Mr Bean. Mr Bean got chills  with the way the man looked at him. Not to mention his deed with stepping the underwear that Mr Bean tried to wear.

Truly a terrible experience he had to face. So, next time if you try to crossdress out again please consider the situation and the condition also the place where you try to crossdress out.

Senin, 11 Maret 2013


If in my earlier posting I discussed about an ending that can be met in crossdressing habit and also the development of this habit. So in this article I want to discuss what we are going to say if someone who does crossdressing ask us an advice about how should someone do about this habit ?

First,  if someone  ( he ) asks us an advice about something usually he wants to get an opinion that can solve his problem or to get a better way about something that he asks. So did with crossdressing habit that he asks us. Here, the problem begins. Problem of what advice  should we give to him. Because there's more than one alternative advice that we can give him.

The first case, a young crossdresser asks us an advice about crossdressing. He's a beginner crossdresser. He crossdress only with wearing woman dress. Not using woman shoes, accessories, makeup and wig. What advice should we give to him ? Push and support him to do crossdressing more perfectly ? Suggest him to use woman shoes, accessories, makeup and wig ? Because by that way, he may look so perfectly as a woman or at least more perfect. Moreover, he already crossdressed. Even he's just a beginner. So, what else ? Already get wet, why don't  bathe too ? That is what we may suggest if we consider crossdressing as a positive hobby and not a deviant behaviour that needs to be corrected.

But if we consider crossdressing as a deviant behaviour, maybe we may give him different advice. Such as divert your energy into other positive activities and so with your spare time, instead of doing crossdressing. If he is someone who believes, maybe we also remind him to  approach himself to God. This advice looks like more difficult to be said and to be given than the first advice like  at the earlier paragraph. Because he can say that we are hypocrite. Advise the other to decrease or leave this habit, but we ourselves do this habit too. Though we all know that nobody in the world is perfect. In Java, we say  "Gajah diblangkoni. Iso kotbah, orak iso nglakoni". In English, it means "Elephant is given headcloth. Can preach, but can not do it".

More difficult case is if he is someone who is an activist of a religion, but he still does crossdressing. And according to him and the religion in  his understanding, crossdressing  does not conflict with his beliefs. But he asks us an advice about his crossdressing habit. What advice that we can give ? Moreover if he is an activist of a religion and if in this case,  we are less obeyed  in  religion than him. This situation is similar to a Javanese proverb that says "kebo nusu gudel". In English, it means "buffalo breast fed from its child".

Kamis, 07 Maret 2013

Happy ending

middle of the journey
At the end they married and live happily ever after. It's a famous sentence that is usually ending a fairy tale. When I was a kid, I still remembered that I often read many comic books from the famous Hans Christian Andersen.

Habit can be a hobby if someone likes that habit. And a hobby can be someone job. If someone has or do a job that's also the hobby of this someone, it can be said that this someone is happy. Because someone can work with happy. And also not under pressure. So that someone  could devote all  energy and thoughts without feeling forced.

What about a habit that called as crossdressing ? This habit can be also called as hobby to some people. Although for other people, this habit can be called as deviant behaviour that needs to be corrected. Even for some people who did this habit, they also can consider it as a deviant behaviour that needs to be corrected. While for the others who also did this habit, they can consider it as a hobby that doesn't need to be corrected. But it even also needs to be improved.

Just like a hobby, then crossdressing can develop too. Maybe for the first time when doing crossdressing, we only used woman dress. Then we began to use woman shoes and accessories. Then finally we used makeup and wig too. Thus, at last we perfected this habit with  things that actually belong to woman from hair to toe.

Side effect of crossdressing that  perfected, someone can change  the gender orientation. A funny thing about this is I ever read a comment in a social network  that someone said "great, you're now a transgender !" to a person  who used to be a crossdresser only. Though not certainly that someone has changed the gender orientation. Maybe someone has looked so perfectly as a woman, but in him self, he still feels as a real  man. Remember an Indonesian proverb that says "dalam laut dapat diduga, dalam hati siapa tahu". In English, it means "the depth of the sea can be guessed, in heart who knows".

The reverse case of above is that someone said "Be careful, don't go any further ! You may become a woman" to a person who crossdress so perfectly. Like a friend of mine told that to me.

But if a person  just does crossdressing in a simple way like just wear a woman dress but without using a woman shoes and makeup, someone else may tempt this person to perfect his crossdressing with a woman shoes and makeup.

But the other way around, crossdressing just like a hobby can end too. I ever read some blogs about someone who succeeded to stop crossdressing.

White shirt with beige skirt

Selasa, 05 Maret 2013

Lari-lari kecil

Beberapa tahun belakangan ini kakiku mudah terasa capai. Jika aku kerja keras sebentar terutama kerja dalam kaadaan tidak duduk, maka kakiku besoknya akan terasa capai. Tapi kemudian secara tidak sengaja aku menemukan solusi pemecahannya. Sebetulnya solusi itu umum dan biasa saja serta mungkin sebagian orang sudah mengetahuinya yaitu bagian kaki yang mudah capai dipijit dengan handuk yang telah dicelupkan ke air panas. Solusi yang lain dipijit dengan minyak pijit. Memang setelah aku melakukan terapi ini, kakiku jadi mendingan dan tidak mudah capai. Terapi ini  ku lakukan hampir tiap hari pagi dan sore.

Tapi ada hal lain yang aneh yang kutemukan  ketika aku sedang berlintas busana dengan rok span panjang yang mirip sarimbit atau jarik. Ketika itu pagi-pagi bangun tidur dan seperti kebiasaanku aku hampir selalu bersih-bersih rumah dalam arti mengelap atau membersihkan perabotan rumah dan jendela serta pintu dengan lap dan kemoceng. Pagi itu ketika bangun tidur, kakiku terasa agak capai. Kupikir nanti siangnya akan jadi capai. Tapi ternyata tidak, malahan rasa capai di kaki selang beberapa waktu kemudian hilang. Akupun berpikir dan kemudian mendapatkan jawabannya. Kemungkinan besar karena waktu itu aku pakai rok span panjang yang kayak jarik dan waktu jalan jika ingin cepat harus berlari-lari kecil. Karena waktu itu memang aku agak terburu-buru.

Ternyata ini bisa jadi terapi yang lain bagiku untuk menghilangkan rasa capai di kaki. Semoga kesimpulan yang ku tarik ini betul. Dan kalau memang betul, maka seperti berenang sambil minum air atau sekali dayung 2 pulau terlewati. Sambil cding bisa olahraga dan badanpun bisa jadi lebih sehat. :)

Senin, 04 Maret 2013

Start crossdressing

I don't mean to offend or open a confrontation with some certain blogs that have tendencies to invite us to stop crossdressing. But I just want to give some reasons or facts why we start crossdressing. And I will give some considerations.

The beginning is almost all of us who are crossdressing didn't start that habit on purpose. I can't guarantee that all of us didn't start it on purpose. Maybe some did it on purpose. But I read many articles about someone who began crossdressing and they told that they didn't do it on purpose.

From the first event where someone did crossdressing usually comes an impression that made someone curious and had to do it repeatedly until it became addicted. Although when someone finished the ritual of crossdressing, he might  feel of regret and didn't want to try any more. Because of foolish thing that he did or wasted the time with doing crossdressing. Or even felt disgusted with the way he dressed. But in fact, he couldn't help it and he did it repeatedly until the feeling of regret became lessen and even vanished.

Unfortunately, this addiction can be up for years, decades or maybe for a lifetime. This addiction  might be vanished for a certain period, but there's also a possibility  that this addiction came again.

More unfortunately, the one who addicted with this habit  might not feel suffer at all. More unfortunately again, the one who addicted crossdressing can be feel comfortable with this habit.

More than that, someone who addicted crossdressing can love this habit and proud of this habit. Even want to share this habit with other people. If this case is disease, it's like a disease that can be spreads and transmitted. It can influence someone whose at the stadium of beginning to know crossdressing become  want to know more about it  and want to try it more intensively.

Finally, someone with this addiction could change his orientation about his own gender and want to be a female.  After experienced dressing with woman dress, wore makeup and trying to behave like a woman.

At the end, maybe we want to get some help to cure us from this habit. So we turn to the religion  that we believe. Unfortunately again, some churches even tolerate this habit and they also even wed lesbian or gay couple. In another religion but almost similar case,  the first Islamic school specifically for transgender people to pray and study the Quran already opened in Yogyakarta in 2008. ( )