Hot kitchen : mengolah daging, ikan, sayuran dan sejenisnya.
Pastry : mengolah kue, cake dan sejenisnya.
penjelasan Chef HaryoPremoe, chef yang kerja di hot kitchen akan berbau
tidak enak seperti bau daging, bau ikan, bau bawang dan kata-katanya
cenderung kasar.
Sementara chef yang kerja di pastry akan berbau
wangi seperti bau coklat, bau bunga dan sejenisnya. Kata-katanya juga
cenderung lembut. Demikian juga dengan gerak-geriknya . Karena
sebenarnya jiwanya separoh wanita dan separoh lelaki.
Tapi apa
yang diutarakan diatas tidak bisa dijamin 100 persen kebenarannya,
karena diutarakan dalam acara comedy Ala Ryan di Kompastv. Jadi mohon
jangan ditelan bulat-bulat.
Cooking can be divided into two:
Hot kitchen: processing meat, fish, vegetables and the like.
Pastry: processing cakes , cake and the like.
to Chef HaryoPremoe, chefs who work in the hot kitchen will smell bad
like the smell of meat, fish smell, the smell of onions and their words
tend to be rough.
While chefs who work in the pastry will smell
fragrant like the smell of chocolate, the smell of flowers and the like.
His words also tend to be soft. So it is with his movements. Because
the soul is actually half women and half men.
But what is
expressed above can not be guaranteed to be 100 percent correct, because
it stated in the comedy show Ala Ryan in Kompastv. So please do not
swallowed it raw.
Long time before Boy George appeared and became famous, David Bowie already appeared and became famous. Both were born in England. But not like Boy George who always appears feminine, David Bowie experienced development in hair, makeup and dress style.
In certain decades ( maybe between 1970's and 1980's ), Bowie ever appeared in androgynous hair, makeup and dress that made him like a woman. But after that decades, his makeup, hair and dress style changed and he didn't appear in androgynous style again.
His androgynous appearance began in the glam rock era, when he appeared with alter ego Ziggy Stardust. "Ziggy Stardust" itself was a title of his song. I don't know which one was the origin. His song "Ziggy Stardust" that inspired him to be androgynous or his alter ego Ziggy Stardust that inspired him to write a song with the same title "Ziggy Stardust".
Glam rock is a branch of rock music that highlight the glamorous of appearance. Appearance could mean hair, makeup, dress and accessories. To appear glamour, highlighted and sensational is easier if we choose our opposite gender appearance as our appearance.
His another song "John, I'm Only Dancing" can be interpreted as his attitude as a bisexual. Especially with his voice in this song where he used falsetto voice. Like the lyrics "Well, Annie's pretty neat, she always eats her meat. Joe is awful strong, bet your life he's putting us on. Oh lordy, oh lordy, you know I need some loving. I'm moving, touch me!"
"Rebel rebel" is also his song that described the confusion of a mother to her child about its gender. Like in the lyrics "You've got your mother in a whirl. She's not sure if you're a boy or a girl". In that era, rock music seems to inspire a revolution and rebellion in almost all fields of life. It was so extreme until some people said that rock was a music of satan.
When I was
still a child, I had an unusual and strange habit beside crossdressing.
It's massaging my breast while my other hand pouring it with water
when I take a bath. I didn't know exactly the reason why I did it.
That time I just thought that I like to have breast like a girl. In my
thought it's a beautiful part of body which has beautiful and sensual
curve. Not like boys who don't have a prominent part in the chest.
by that time I already did crossdressing. But I couldn't access
internet to search about that topic. Treatment to grow our breasts.
funny thing according to me about it is decades after I became adult
and can access internet to search topics about it. While many
crossdressers do it to grow their breasts. Although they do it in
different ways, but at least they still have same treatment with me that
is massage. But vice versa, recently I almost never do it again.
of my friends suggested many different ways of therapies of treatment
to grow breast. Begin with simple ways until complicated ways. Therapy
with fun method like slapping our breasts and pinch our breasts. Simple
and conventional method like massaging our breasts until drinking
certain medicine, hormonal therapy and so on.
I like to read
about it, but I just read it casually. Truly I'm just interested a bit.
I prefer to choose the simple therapy like massaging our breasts.
Beside, I think when we're crossdressing, we usually cover our body with
bra and dress. Don't we ? So we can cover our breasts and make it look
bigger than the original. Especially if we use bra that has foam or
push up bra.
But whatever the method that we choose to grow our breasts, it all has the same purpose. Making our chest to become breast.
the way, when I played the video above at my office, my female co
worker who sits next to me saw it too and commented " What is it ?
Excercise for breast ? ". I couldn't answered. I just smiled. Then
hours later she played video about alternative medication using cupping
vacuum banks. The treatment makes our skin ballooned in the place where
the treatment takes place. So I commented what if our chest that get
that treatment ? It surely can becomes breast. And my other friend
commented that the treatment suits for girls.
Profesi koki seiring dengan makin maraknya dunia kuliner di Indonesia, maka juga semakin naik daun. Bisa dikatakan tidak kalah dengan profesi selebriti. Dan ini bukan hal baru lagi, tapi sudah berlangsung lama dan bertahun-tahun. Salah satu stasiun televisi di Indonesia dalam waktu yang tidak lama lagi bahkan akan menggelar sebuah ajang kompetisi pencarian Master Chef. Ini adalah untuk yang kedua kalinya. Setelah sukses untuk kali yang pertama di tahun lalu.
Dunia yang oleh orang awam dianggap sebagai dunia milik wanita dan biasanya didalam rumah diletakkan dibagian belakang di area servis dan cenderung disembunyikan, tapi dalam bisnis ternyata banyak juga digeluti oleh kaum adam. Bahkan ada anggapan kalau profesi koki sebetulnya lebih cocok untuk pria, karena pria lebih stabil emosinya dan lebih mementingkan rasio. Jadi kemungkinan cita rasa masakannya lebih stabil akan lebih besar.
Ada suatu kejadian di suatu kompetisi memasak dimana para kontestan di putaran final diadu juga dengan seorang chef profesional. Hasilnya waktu chef profesionalnya seorang wanita, ia dikalahkan oleh seorang kontestan yang seorang pria. Sebaliknya waktu chef profesionalnya seorang pria, ia tidak bisa dikalahkan oleh para kontestan. Penilaian dilakukan oleh para chef profesional tanpa mengetahui pembuat dari masakan yang dinilai.
Para chef lelaki ini pun tidak kalah terkenalnya bila dibandingkan dengan para chef wanita. Acara show mereka di televisi juga tidak kalah menariknya bila dibandingkan dengan acara show dari para chef wanita. Gaya merekapun bermacam-macam. Mulai dari yang lucu, feminim, maskulin, macho sampai yang akrobatik.
Rudy Choirudin
Salah satu chef senior di Indonesia bisa dibilang memiliki gaya yang agak feminim. Anehnya gaya ini makin menjadi-jadi bila dibandingkan dengan gayanya pada waktu dahulu yang lebih berkesan formal. Gayanya sekarang agak kegenit-genitan. Terutama bibirnya waktu berkata-kata. Apakah ini lantaran terbawa oleh profesi, menjiwai profesi atau karena memang disengaja ? Sekarang ia mempunyai acara tetap yang bernama Foody with Rudy di stasiun televisi AnTV.
Punya acara tetap Good Living di MetroTV. Tapi berbeda dengan kedua chef diatas, Edwin memiliki postur tubuh yang macho. Badannya kekar seperti binaragawan. Gaya bicaranya gentle, tapi tidak feminim. Bila melihat dia memasak dengan baju yang berlengan pendek akan terlihat suatu pemandangan yang kontras. Lengan yang kekar, tapi mengolah bahan makanan menjadi masakan.
Juna Rorimpandey
Tampangnya sekarang macho banget. Berkumis dan berjenggot. Lengannya bertatoo. Berbeda dengan dulu sebelum memelihara kumis dan jenggot, walaupun sudah bertatoo di lengannya. Pada waktu menjadi juri di acara Master Chef Indonesia, gayanya arogan dan sombong. Berbeda dengan gaya waktu menjadi host di acara Master Class Ramadhan yang tentu saja gentle.
Billy Kalangi
Sama dengan Juna, Billy juga memelihara kumis dan jenggot. Tapi biarpun demikian, kesannya tidak segarang Juna. Mungkin karena garis bibirnya yang cenderung seperti tersenyum. Punya acara Resep Rahasia di KompasTV yang bertema mengeksplorasi kekayaan kuliner nusantara . Sebelumnya punya acara masak yang bernama Cooking 911.
Kungfu Chef Muto
Kungfu Chef adalah salah satu acara masak yang bisa dibilang berbeda dari yang lainnya. Kokinya mengolah bahan makanan dan memasak dengan gaya akrobatik kungfu. Pakaian yang dikenakan pun bergaya China. Wajan yang dipakai memasak berbentuk meja bulat yang besar. Kesannya macho banget.