
Rabu, 23 November 2011

The road to Babylon

Today as usual I log into Wordpress to see and evaluate my blog. Also to visit another wordpress blog and search another  similar blog to mine. Read interesting postings. And if possible,  leave comments for them too.
But today I read unusual posting about crossdressing. It says that crossdressing beside not funny, it is a sinful activity. The article seems to remind me of my beliefs that God only creates man and woman. No transgender between them.  Man dressed up like a woman is a sin according to my beliefs. I am interested in the article, because it is not patronizing. The author of  the article itself is also still  struggling against his crossdressing habits. A lifetime struggling maybe.  Against his own lusts.
Well I look like in the middle of crossroad now.  Wanna go follow my beliefs or my lusts. So I leave comment that begging him to pray for me so I can quit from my sinful behaviour and begging God to forgive me also begging God to bless him.
In my beliefs, it's like the story of a nation that elected but banished to exile in Babylon because of their sins. ( Psalm 137 ) . Once again I am begging " God,  please forgive me".

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