
Senin, 12 Desember 2011

Champagne And Wine

Today I read an article says that crossdressing and pornography both  have some similarities. They both have some negative aspects.  For examples :  endanger marriage, addiction, cheating, escapes from reality beside  considered as sins.

But the essences of crossdressing and pornography that are sex and woman material I think it's not negative at all. Sex  is needed in marriage and  to produce offspring. Woman material if it used normally by women I think it's normal too of course. Or if a man likes a woman material I think it's alright too if it is limited to like it then he  gives it to his couple .

If it metaphorically as a beverage, it will be like champagne and wine. They both have negative and positive aspects.  Both if excessive will lead to disease, but it could be good for blood circulation and health if taken as necessary.

Jesus himself  drank wine beside eat bread at the Last Supper.  In general, Christians believe that Jesus commanded them to repeat the event this banquet commemorate ("... Do this in remembrance of me! " ( 1 Corinthians. 11:24, 25)

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